New Releases

Join BooksbyJB in our hunt for the next story! We will be sharing our stories right here for all of you to read, review, and enjoy!

Kit Meets the King


As we continue to build our brand, we would love to hear from our supporters about our stories!

Share your feedback!


We will be in touch shortly with an email welcoming you to the crew. Be on the lookout for updates on events, new book releases, sales and more! 

Thank you!

JB's greatest enjoyment is hearing how people have experienced God's love and care. The world is full of opinions and voices that make it hard to see our self-worth. BooksbyJB would love to hear about your joy or know how we can support and pray in your sorrow. It all matters.

What's Your Story?



JB's greatest enjoyment is hearing how people have experienced God's love and care. The world is full of opinions and voices that make it hard to see our self-worth. BooksbyJB would love to hear about your joy or know how we can support and pray in your sorrow. It all matters.

What's Your Story?

We will be in touch shortly.

Thank you!